Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dr. Jung's Anal Mirror / Digital version

We sat in the gloom of Jo's trapped life, each chewing on it, until, finally, it went down, and Fats, brightening again, said, "Hey, did I ever tell you about this dream of mine, the Invention?"
"Nope: "
"Dr. Jung's Anal Mirror: the Great American Medical Invention."
"Dr. Jung's Anal Mirror? What the hell is that?"
"Don't you remember in medical school during the gastroenterology course they told you to 'examine your own anus with the aid of a small mirror'?"
"Were you able to do it?"
"Of course you weren't. It's impossible. But not with the aid of Dr. Jung's. Anyone can examine his or her very own anus in the comfort and privacy of the home."
"What the hell is it?" I asked, caught up in the joke.
He showed me what it was. On a napkin he drew a complex and intricate combination of two reflecting mirrors and a large focusing lens all fastened together on adjustable stainless?steel rods. He drew the pathways of the light rays from the anus to the eyeballs and back, splitting it into colorful rainbows and sophisticated spectra which he elaborated with multivariate complex equations and graphs. Finishing, he said, "Do you know how many Americans each day have painful bowel movements and blood on their toilet paper or in the bowl? Millions."
"Why just Americans?" I joked. "Why not the world?"
"Exactly. The only problem is translation. If it's millions in America, it's billions in the world. The anus is a great curiosity to almost all mankind. Everyone would like to see it, but no one can. Like darkest Africa before the missionaries. The Congo of the body."
The hairs on the back of my neck tingled as I started to think that this might not be a joke, and I said, "You're joking."
The Fat Man did not reply.
"This is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard."
"It's not. And besides, that's always what they say about great inventions. It's like those vaginal mirrors that gynecologists are passing out?oh, by the way, you can adjust the Anal Mirror to look in there too-women are using the vaginal mirrors to get to know their vaginas. This is a unisex device. GET TO KNOW YOUR ASSHOLE." Spreading his hands apart as if reading a bumper sticker or a marquee, Fats said, "ASSHOLES ARE BEAUTIFUL. FREE THE ASSHOLES. The potential in human and financial terms is immense. Big fortoona."
"This is outrageous."
"That's just why it will sell."
"But it's a joke, right? You didn't actually make an anal mirror?"
The Fat Man looked distractedly out into thin air.

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