Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Cuba y Estados Unidos

Signs near the U.S. embassy. With all the visual explanations, like "blood on the hands" and vampire's teeth.

The Anti-Imperialism monument, on a party (Anniversary to the young party members or something like that), usually the flags are black with silver star.

The Party.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Some houses in Gibara

Star Trails in Gibara

It is possible! My first successfull star trail photos.

Wrecked Ship near Gibara, Holgin, Cuba

A ship which bumped into the beach or something like that, and broke to two parts. In the long shot picture, the middle thing is the ship. It wasn´t so long ago, I think last december. Nobody died. I tried to get on it, but the waves moves it, and it was too scary to go to the upper floor.